Duke User Guide

Starter code for the Duke project

Duke User Guide

1. About Duke

Duke is your companion who helps you to keep track of your tasks at hand. Some of Duke’s key features include:

  • Storing tasks
    • Todos
    • Deadlines
    • Events
  • Add tags to tasks
  • View tasks with a specific tag
  • Search for tasks containing a keyword

2. Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above set up on your computer.
  2. Download the latest release here.
  3. Start the app by simply double-clicking.
  4. Type in your command (refer to 3 for usage details) and hit enter to submit the command to Duke.

    Try these commands out!

    • todo Clean room to add a Todo task called “Clean room”
    • list to show all tasks currently Duke knows
    • done 1 to mark the first task as done

3. Features

3.1. View all tasks

View a list of all saved tasks or view a list of saved tasks that are tagged with a specific tag.


list [/tag <tag name>]

Format: list

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Example of usage:

list /tag personal

Expected outcome:

3.2. Add a Todo

Add a todo task to the list of saved tasks (with an option to add many single-word tags).



Format: todo <task description> [/tag <single-word tag name>]

Example of usage:

todo homework

Expected outcome:

3.3. Add an Event

Add an event task with event date to the list of saved tasks (with an option to add many single-word tags).



Format: event <description> /at <Event date in YYYY-MM-DD> [/tag <single-word tag name>]

Example of usage:

event My birthday /at 2020-02-26 /tag personal /tag birthdays

Expected outcome:

3.4. Add a Deadline

Add a deadline task to the list of saved tasks (with an option to add many single-word tags).



Format: deadline <description> /by <Deadline in YYYY-MM-DD format> [/tag <single-word tag name>]

Example of usage:

deadline Group project /by 2020-02-25

Expected outcome:

3.5. Delete task

Delete a task from the list of saved tasks.



Format: delete <Task number>

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

3.6. Mark task as done

Set a specified task in the list of saved tasks, to done.



Format: done <Task number>

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

3.7. Find tasks

Find tasks with descriptions that contain the specified keyword, in the list of saved tasks.



Format: find <Keyword to find>

Example of usage:

find project

Expected outcome:

3.8. Show all tags

List all tags that are currently in use.



Format: tags

Example of usage:


Expected outcome: